slidr is a standalone javascript library that allows you to slide between any Html elements with smooth transition effects. Ideal for creating any content sliders for your website.
Transitions supported:
- Cube
- Linear
- Fade
- Controls
- Breadcrumbs
How to use it:
Include slidr.js in your web page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/slidr.min.js"></script>
Create the Html elements you want to slide.
<ul id="demo" style="display: inline"> <li data-slidr="one">apple</li> <li data-slidr="two">banana</li> <li data-slidr="three">coconut</li> </ul>
Create the slide transitions in javascript.
slidr.create('demo', { breadcrumbs: true, controls: 'corner', direction: 'vertical', fade: false, overflow: true, theme: '#222', timing: { 'cube': '0.5s ease-in' }, transition: 'cube' }).start();