Pure CSS3 Switch Button with Smooth Animation
An amazing effect created only with CSS3 that converts a standard Html checkbox into a toggle button with smooth switching effects.
Big collection of free code stuffs like javascript, HTML, CSS, jQuery and more.
An amazing effect created only with CSS3 that converts a standard Html checkbox into a toggle button with smooth switching effects.
Ionicons is a premium icon font designed for Ionic Framework. You can use ionicons.com to easily find the icon you want to use. Once you’ve copied the desired icon’s CSS classname, simply add the icon’s classname to an HTML element.
Medium blogging platform style page transition effect that can be seen by clicking anywhere on the “Read Next” footer at the bottom of the page.
This little script tries to ease that task by allowing a rapid and simple selection of multiple items by clicking, holding and moving over the desired items.
ifvisible.js is a simple yet useful javascript library for checking if user is looking at the page or interacting with it.
Navicon Transformicons provides a simple way to create Animated Navigation Icons with CSS Transforms.
Socialite.js is a tiny javascript library that provides a very easy way to implement and activate a plethora of social sharing buttons — any time you wish. On document load, on article hover, on any event!
Newton is yet another easy-to-use, feature-rich physics engine that’s designed from the ground up for JavaScript.
slidr is a standalone javascript library that allows you to slide between any Html elements with smooth transition effects.
PhysicsJS is a modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript.
Here is a fashion and simple image slider built only with CSS3 and HTML5 that allows to slide between images by clicking the radio button navigation.
A online icon generator that allows you to generates Html and CSS3 based web icons for your web design. You don’t require images like: JPG / PNG / GIF or any other external heavy font files, you just need to click on the icon, copy the CSS/3 code and use it on any platform.
SVG is an excellent way to create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM.
“Responsive-image” (RIMG) supports responsive websites to provide a way to optimize images (like CMS-content) in a simple and performant way.
Today we’d like to share some fancy animations for thumbnails in a grid with you. There are many possibilities when it comes to these kind of effects, but not all of them fit well when applied to multiple items, like a grid of images.
D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.
Kanso is a set of semantic flat buttons written in CSS and HTML. SASS and LESS source code available.
tween.js is a super simple, fast and easy to use tweening engine which incorporates optimised Robert Penner’s equations.
Dolly.js is a simple and generic jQuery and jQuery UI widget that adds excel-like cloning functionality to your tables.
Building Blocks is a set of buttons built only with CSS3 and Font Awesome icons font.